Costume performance “1000 figures”

Event: July 5, 2017 Members of the march “1000 figures” held a silent protest action against the G20 summit in Hamburg. Demonstrators, painted themselves in the color of clay, then moved, then froze. At the end of the action, they tore off their dark gray clothes and started dancing in colorful T-shirts.

The purpose of the action: to organize an anti-globalization protest action-performance. According to the idea of the participants, the crowd of “zombies” symbolizes the bony modern society, squeezed by the clutches of conventions, which are helpless before the authorities and political backstage, afraid of change. Closed in themselves, the same people creep over their lives, obeying the whole state, the authorities, not wanting to express their opinion.

Direction: public administration

Tool: volunteers

Method: costume-performance.

Media coverage:

The reaction of the society: photos and video were distributed among all news agencies, people in social networks supported the participants. New communities and organizations began to be created to oppose the world conspiracy. Video on YouTube channel has collected tens of millions of views.

International resonance: anti-globalization politicians supported the action, In the European Parliament was posted a banner against the summit. German politicians spoke in support of the performance, participating in the action itself.

What they achieved: the information company showed support from people all over the world, and photos from the action became a symbol of anti-globalization.


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