Color revolution in Hong Kong Does Taiwan open the second front?

Event: Taiwan is getting gradually involved in protest activity.

Purpose of the action: create another defamatory case in China; merge all the protests in a united info-front; increase the price of uniting these regions to the limit; make China look like an outcast opposing it to the rest of the world.

Direction: youngsters in politics

Tools: students, universities, bloggers, social media

Methods: provoking Chinese people on the continent.

Mass media review:

Controversy scheme: This October, a dozen of Taiwan universities reported several conflicts connected to protests in Hong Kong. Conflicts between people who support protests in Hong Kong and continental Chinese people are becoming a more frequent phenomenon. Facilities of the university Lennon serve as a battlefield: various stickers on the walls in the university buildings express students’ opinions about different topics. These walls referred to as “the democracy zones”, are the exact place where some people (mostly western students from Canada, New Zealand, etc.) leave their provoking memos. Chinese-supporting students may occasionally react to those, which brings about new conflicts.

At the same time, experts from mass and social media escalate danger for Taiwan coming from continental China. Thus, the protest vortex method is being employed in China; its purpose is to open the second front of protest against China in Taiwan. There is a strong connection between Taiwan and Hong Kong student organizations, which, in Western think tanks opinion, can help spread protest activities in Taiwan very quickly.

Hong Kong color revolution architects systematically arrange actions intended to emotionally engage Taiwan people in protest against China. In that fashion, on 10th of the October, an action of support took place. People were supporting Sha Tsu – Taiwan girl, whose eye was injured while one of the protests in Hong Kong. Roughly a hundred young people marched the city streets with Taiwan flags in their hands.

Another method of involving Taiwan in the Hong Kong protest is the demand for refuge for people, who were searched for after the actions. NPO and human rights organizations have been urging the Taiwan government to adopt the law of refugees for several months now. This law is supposed to grant a safe refuge for protest participants wanted in Hong Kong. Besides, these NPO seriously help with housing and employment for the wanted. Legislating all that would officially mean Taiwan joining the protests.

Achievements so far: Taiwan president issued a decree about expelling people who ruin the protest-supporting inscriptions on the walls from the country. This decree has already taken its first victim – a young Chinese man who has been deported for ripping off an anti-Chinese poster. Minister of Education in Taiwan addressed to Chinese students: “refrain from violence and respect liberty of speech”. How very interesting he didn’t advise other students to respect the opinion of Chinese people and refrain from provoking them.
