
Every day there are hundreds of events in the world, some exploding the information space, others are little discussed. Few realize what their real purpose is, what they are created for, and who sets the accents

We will reveal only a part of the hidden algorithms of influence and causal mechanisms. Programming social changes, the interested parties stay behind the scenes and launch the trends they need in society. Often NGOs and activists act as a tool, not realizing their role in this party.

Перевыборы парламента Армении - завершающий этап революции
Event: early re-election of the Armenian parliament. Objective:...
Бомбардировка Югославии во имя демократии
Event: October 7, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg,...
Национальный флаг как символ консолидации общества
The Bombing of Yugoslavia in the name of democracy Event:...
Панк-молебен «Богородица, Путина прогонки»
Event: February 19, 2012 in the Epiphany chapel of...
Стриптизер для Тимошенко
Event: Tymoshenko’s presentation of the political...
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